Thursday, March 22, 2018

Are you appearing in S.E.E. exams? Don't forget to follow the following tips:

"Hard work always does not give you best result, sometimes if you ignore simple work you may even get worst result." So, follow the tips during examination days:-
i. First check materials you need for the exam. e.g. If its maths, calculator. (pens, pencils, instrument box etc)
ii. You should have back up of every materials. e.g. at least two pens of having same ink color.If you use other kind of dot pens then their refills etc.
iii. The very first write down your Symbol Number and just before submission of your answer sheet, recheck it once again; the thing you should not forget is: it should be in neat and clean handwriting.
iv. First you answer or solve the question you know or confident at, after you finish them try to remember and answer those question that you do not know. If you really don't know answer don't panic just take a long breathe and try once; no matter what you write; write related stuff according to the questions. Don't just leave blanks in while answering.
v. Last but not least never disturb other and be disturbed yourself during examination. The 3 hours exam is not going to change your whole life.
Thank You.
"All The Best" - S.E.E. student - 2074